

Im Remembrance of Charly Lamm

Karl "Charly" Lamm, a dear friend and successful team leader at Schnitzer/BMW died only 2 days after our return from Burma in January 2019 to all our utmust surprise and distraught. In his memory his family, friends and his racing coleagues now donated a Cochlea Implant to a 2-year-old girl with connatal deafness! She was presented to us by her mother during our last mission but we had to tell her, that her daughter will be deaf and mute for the rest of her life, since the family would not be able to raise the financial resources for the 12.000$ implant. A shock for the mother and an emotionally hard hit for us as well. But now this spell is broken! The operation was performed on the girl by our burmese coleague Dr. Win in April 2019. The implant will enable her to hear and learn to speak - she wont have to live a life on the fringes of society!
Video: BMW Motorsport mourns the loss of Charley Lamm.