About Us

Video: The Journey of Friendship: Myanmar - Germany 2010 - 2017

Eagle-ENT consists of a group of doctors, engineers, nurses, journalists and other volunteers who come together with the view of supporting ear, nose and throat (ENT) medicine in foreign countries.

Our Mission

- Education of colleagues
- Preparation and implementation of surgical procedures, especially middle ear surgery
- Transfer of technology providing anesthesiology and monitoring for the patients


The group's current activities are focused on Myanmar.

Starting in 2010, a team of ENT doctors and anaesthesiologists travelled to Myanmar and initiated operations and activities at the Yangon ENT hospital.

Future Plans / Reports


News in 2024

Our NGO EAGLE ENT, closely collaborating with Interplast, has been dedicated to the development of otologic surgery in Southeast Asia, particularly in Myanmar, for nearly 15 years. Between 2010 and 2020, under the leadership of Eberhard Biesinger, we conducted approximately 10 missions, performing various otologic surgeries, including middle ear and cochlear implants.